J E N N I F E R  F E L D M A N                                                  Staatlich geprüfte und ermächtigte Übersetzerin (DE/EN)                                                                    Für Wissenschaft & Kultur.
J E N N I F E R  F E L D M A N                                                  Staatlich geprüfte und ermächtigte Übersetzerin (DE/EN)                                                                    Für Wissenschaft & Kultur.
J E N N I F E R F E L D M A N Certified Translator (DE/EN) For Science, Humanities, Academics & Culture.
J E N N I F E R  F E L D M A N                                                  Certified Translator (DE/EN)                                                                   For Science, Humanities, Academics & Culture. 


Transparent Pricing


Translations are normally charged per German standard line (55 characters including spaces).
However, if you prefer, I will also prepare your quote based on the
number of words of the
source text. Prices depend on the target language, the difficulty of the text and its format.

Certified translations are normally charged per page.


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